In the secluded mountains of Tennessee, a young girl found happiness in small, everyday moments, such as serenading the animals on her porch. Though life was challenging as one of twelve siblings growing up in poverty, her aspirations carried her far beyond the rugged terrain.
Her journey began in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains, where a family of 14 lived without the luxuries
of modern life. With no electricity or running water, they faced daily hardships but relied on one another and their
unwavering faith to persevere. The parents, who married as teens, raised their dozen children in a modest,
two-room wooden home.
By the time they reached their mid-thirties, the couple had welcomed six sons and six daughters, filling their home with energy and constant activity. Amid the hustle and bustle, music and shared responsibilities became central to their daily lives. The children learned to appreciate what little they had and to find joy in simple things. But what kept them going and lifted their spirits in the face of such hardships?
This future star honed her resilience and creativity early in life. As the fourth of twelve siblings, she spent her childhood in a humble log cabin nestled at the edge of Tennessee’s Great Smoky Mountains.